Scott Stringer Protected treating me like a Jew in the early stages in Nazi Germany

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Scott Stringer Sell-out and Melanie Myer too No St Vincent's Hospital Rudin Puppets

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We were a small group today, but we did well to keep showing up to say that our fight goes on :  we still need a full-service hospital to replace St. Vincent's.

At today's real estate forum, it shocked our conscious to learn that Julie Menin, canddiate for Manhattan Borough President, was a participant -- even through the highlight of the forum was Melanie Meyer's and Samantha Rudin's distorted presentation about St. Vincent's Hospital.  We will contact Ms. Menin, to ask her to explain why she took part in the real estate forum, if it was glorifying the Rudin takeover of St. Vincent's....

We were not allowed inside the forum, and one of our friends reported to us that the conference was deliberately not being recorded or live streamed, because the forum's participants did not want their conversations recorded for public examination.  While Melanie Meyers and Samantha Rudin talked about the profits that they are making, they don't want us to know the exact amount of their riches....

Here is our video of our protest, pointing out how Melanie Meyers and the Rudin family are corruptingSarge Shriver's legacy at the law firm of Fried Frank :

Thank you for all that you do

Note from Suzannah -- so flattering to see my youtube style copied from "tell me why your here" to sitting in one's living room.   Good YouTube -- you sure ruining the Rudin's day and Melanie Myers.  Bloomberg Quinn and gang are used to the press covering up their corruption and wrong doings so my blogging as well as protests like this how ever small do make a difference not to mention Occupy Wall Street sure have made the Oligarchs of New York most unhappy.

The Shrivers and Kennedy's have not been to one protest or fought for a full service hospital so there are no surprises here let alone rallied against the Pipeline in the West Village.

The Kennedy's who are green activists along with posers like Al Gore saw naught about a Pipeline in the West Village and no Trauma Level 1 Hospital with a Rape Crisis Center and let me guess all those women celebrated do not need a Rape Crisis Center but rapes are up and under reported yet like Christine Quinn and Scott Stringer who call themselves anti Rape activists Rudin condos are more important than A Rape Crisis Center like the one St Vincent's Hospital had.   Should we ask Bill and Hillary where they stand on no Trauma Level 1 hospital and the pipeline being built?

Hurricane Sandy was a yet another wake-up call re: our flawed 2 billion + tax dollar 911 system that does not work properly and our shortage of hospitals that can function under crisis.

By the way Cy Vance where is the prosecution of ECTP 911 Tech Disaster bigger than CityTime -- John Liu requested a criminal investigation May 2012 and 911 life or death -- besides stealing -- the 911 system flawed.  

Where is the prosecution of St Vincent's Hospital crooks.  Word on the Street - Cy afraid of Howard Rubenstein ire and of bringing attention to Rudin acquisition.  

A trauma level 1 hospital life or death so Bloomberg, Quinn, Rudin, Meyer, city council greed first safety of The People last.   NY green activist = money.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Suzannah B. Troy Comptroller I would run just to expose how unqualified he is

I have the flu but sickened to hear Scott Stringer has no challenger.

I have to get 20,000 signatures in 45 days but I am thinking of running because Scott Stringer is the tax payers black hole.   We the tax payers chauffeur him every where because he can't take a subway and we the tax payers have to pay for men not NYPD holding machine guns to guard his office?

Scott Stringer shame on you greeting New Yorkers with machine guns.  The Manhattan Borough President's office should be on the ground floor with an open door to the people.

Tell us how much those machine gun toting guards cost the tax payers?  You are not qualified to be comptroller and a poster boy for waste.  Get rid of the machine guns and take a subway.


I work 7 days a week exposing corruption and I am on YouTube with local 375 DC37 and Tish James standing outside SAIC's offices asking for our tax payer money back!!!!

The YouTube shows me asking for 1 billion dollars x 3 Rico (that's right just me but the bar way higher)  instead of the $450 million cash back we got back which was great but before anyone I have YouTubes stating we must not renew with SAIC.

I want to shame Scott Stringer and expose him as a fraud.

Go to the top of this blog and see my first YouTube on SAIC and CityTime.;
Here is the YouTube where I say we must not renew with SAIC.  I was the only person to say this and the NY State Comptroller later agreed banning SAIC from any NY State and City Contracts!

Where was Scott Stringer?

Enjoying your tax payer money!!!

Ask him why no Trauma Level 1 hospital west village with a rape crisis center but instead his pal Bill Rudin's luxury condos.   Ask Scott Stringer how we can live without hospitals?
Can Rudin luxury condos do CPR?

Ask Stringer why he supported Columbia University eminent domain abuse!!!!

By the way Scott how is Columbia U doing honoring their agreement to help the community -- I hear lousy.

Scott Stringer should never be comptroller.

I want to bring attention to the fact Scott Stringer is not qualified and I would urge you to vote for anyone but him.